50 Words
What are the 50 characteristics that employers want from an employee? These 50 were compiled by Zig Ziglar…
- Honest
- self-starter
- humble
- Balanced
- positive
- focused
- Encouraging
- punctual
- dependable
- Team player
- knowledgeable
- persistent
- Optimistic
- proud
- humor
- Prompt
- fair
- forgiving
- Consistent
- flexible
- faith
- Conviction
- integrity
- a learner
- Enthusiastic
- communicator
- energetic
- Creative
- responsible
- hardworking
- Organized
- caring
- loyal
- Good finder
- intelligent
- speaks well
- Has goals
- appearance
- empathy
- Wisdom
- courage
- good character
- Good self image
- tough
- passion
- Disciplined
- good listener
- good habits
- Considerate
- resourceful
Guess what. These are the same things employees want from their employers. Go through the list and rate yourself honestly on each one. Can you improve? Can you really ask people to be these things if you yourself are not willing to be these?