The Dreamers Edge

The Dreamers Edge is about your dreams, your desire and your ability to achieve the results you want. Conway Stone – holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Religion. His graduate work is in Philosophy and Religion. He is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and founder of a non-profit organization, Dream High.

Monday, August 25, 2008

50 Words

What are the 50 characteristics that employers want from an employee? These 50 were compiled by Zig Ziglar…
  1. Honest
  2. self-starter
  3. humble
  4. Balanced
  5. positive
  6. focused
  7. Encouraging
  8. punctual
  9. dependable
  10. Team player
  11. knowledgeable
  12. persistent
  13. Optimistic
  14. proud
  15. humor
  16. Prompt
  17. fair
  18. forgiving
  19. Consistent
  20. flexible
  21. faith
  22. Conviction
  23. integrity
  24. a learner
  25. Enthusiastic
  26. communicator
  27. energetic
  28. Creative
  29. responsible
  30. hardworking
  31. Organized
  32. caring
  33. loyal
  34. Good finder
  35. intelligent
  36. speaks well
  37. Has goals
  38. appearance
  39. empathy
  40. Wisdom
  41. courage
  42. good character
  43. Good self image
  44. tough
  45. passion
  46. Disciplined
  47. good listener
  48. good habits
  49. Considerate
  50. resourceful

Guess what. These are the same things employees want from their employers. Go through the list and rate yourself honestly on each one. Can you improve? Can you really ask people to be these things if you yourself are not willing to be these?