The Dreamers Edge

The Dreamers Edge is about your dreams, your desire and your ability to achieve the results you want. Conway Stone – holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Religion. His graduate work is in Philosophy and Religion. He is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and founder of a non-profit organization, Dream High.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fulfillment for talented people

Here is a prediction that I have been making for years, in my seminars…

“The companies of the future will be places of personal fulfillment for talented people who can contribute to the good of the organization. These companies will be led by strong leaders with vision and a commitment to practical actions.” -- Conway Stone

What I mean by this is simple… Talented people will never join a large company with the intention of making a career and being there for 30 years. Talented people will be looking for companies where they can make a contribution, where they can make a difference and where they can advance and grow. They will be looking for companies that will make them better and as soon as they get all they can out of the company they will be moving on.

Your future company must be a place of self-fulfillment for talented people. It must be exciting, challenging and make a difference. And people must be able to grow. And you must expect them to leave when they have reached their potential with your firm.

Get ready! It’s already here…

Forwarding this newsletter to someone you know is always appreciated.

Quote of the Day
It's kind of fun to do the impossible. --- Walt Disney

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The best way into the future

"The Indian scout was sent ahead to view the horizon. We need more horizon leaders looking for the best way into the future.” -- Conway Stone

It is hard to be a leader. People like to laugh at you. They criticize everything you do and don’t do. Often you will have a vision or an idea that is ahead of where people are and they have trouble following you. People say, “It’s Ok to march to the beat of a different drummer.” What they really mean is “as long as it is not too different.”

Yet the world needs horizon leaders. People willing to look over the horizon and help us move forward. We need people who can organize people and projects, who can raise money and start businesses. We need horizon leaders. And there are great rewards. You can look back and see what you have done. You can help people grow. You can make a difference.

Quote of the day
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream." --- Mark Twain, [Samuel Langhornne Clemens] (1835-1910)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Make your choices well

“Choice and death are two side of the same coin. Each choice we choose involves the death of a thousand of other opportunities. Therefore, choose carefully and let the other options die.” -- Conway Stone

When you choose to do one thing you are by definition choosing not to do 16 other things. You cannot sleep late and attend a 6:00 am meeting at the same time. One of those choices must die. If you choose one job then the option to choose another job dies. Choice and death are two sides of the same coin.

Make your choices well. They create your future.

Quote of the Day
We know what we are, but know not what we may be.