The Dreamers Edge

The Dreamers Edge is about your dreams, your desire and your ability to achieve the results you want. Conway Stone – holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Religion. His graduate work is in Philosophy and Religion. He is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and founder of a non-profit organization, Dream High.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Looking at his library

“You can tell a lot about a man by looking at his library. You can tell even more about the man who has no library.” -- Conway Stone

There is no substitute for reading. Reading…
1. Expands the mind with new ideas
2. Makes you more creative
3. Increases your vocabulary
4. Makes you more eloquent
5. Helps you to picture and visualize things.

Here are some tips:
1. Find a book with short chapters. I am currently reading a “Bible for Busy People.” It has the Old and New Testaments and a devotion and question all on 2 small pages. I can read that much.
2. Find a place to read at least 10 minutes a day. The bathroom works, so does the exercise bike.
3. Find things you enjoy reading – novels or magazines work.
4. You can cheat and use audio books. This is fine but not as good as reading.

Quote of the Day
Men of reason have endured; men of passion have lived. --French Philosophy

Monday, October 23, 2006

Bigger than ourselves

“Plant tress under which you will never sit.” -- Conway Stone

One of the deepest desires in people is to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. That is why team sports, music groups and even church are so important. We are part of something we cannot do by ourselves. In estate planning there is a big desire for people to leave their money so they can have an impact beyond their years. So tap into that desire now while you are still young. Plant trees under which you will never sit. Teach a child who will live longer than you. Coach a team of young children who will carry your values long after you are gone. Give money to an endowment that will send kids to college for the next 100 years. Did you know $25.00 a month for 30 years if it grows at 6% will equal $25,000? This you can do.

Quote of the Day
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?" -- Brian Tracy

Monday, October 16, 2006

Contemplation without action

“Contemplation without action is to be unjust to yourself.” – Conway Stone

Often we think about a dream or business or project we want to do. It is easy to spend all of our time thinking and studying on the idea. This type of contemplation is good to a point, but at sometime we must act.

The philosopher once said there is great genius in starting.

So write out the first 3 steps you must do to begin your dream. (The first step is to get a piece of paper so you can write down the next two steps.) This beginning with just a small step will get you moving. Once moving you can accomplish and one accomplishment will lead to another.

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Quote of the Day
He who would learn to fly must first learn to walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Choosing Well

“Success is achieved by choosing well.” -- Conway Stone

I am not the first person to say this. The little everyday choices we make either lead us to or take us away from our goals and success. We must make good choices in order to succeed. You no doubt have people in your family that have made bad choices and have lived difficult lives because of them. Here is a quote from a famous speaker…

“Ask yourself this question the next time you have to do something ‘How would the person I would like to be do what I am about to do? How would the person I would like to be answer this phone call?’” --Jim Cathart

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Quote of the Day
If there is no dull and determined effort, there will be no brilliant achievement. Hsun-tzu

Monday, October 02, 2006

Like a country at civil war......

“If you desire one thing and expect another, you become like a country at civil war – two sides warring with no one winning.” -- Conway Stone

When we set a goal but in our heart of hearts we do not expect to achieve it, we are creating conflict within ourselves. This happens all the time and it stops us from moving forward. If you can align your goals and your expectations you will become a person not at civil war but with integrity. This will make you very hard to beat.

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. -- Sir Edmund Hillary