The Dreamers Edge

The Dreamers Edge is about your dreams, your desire and your ability to achieve the results you want. Conway Stone – holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Religion. His graduate work is in Philosophy and Religion. He is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and founder of a non-profit organization, Dream High.

Monday, April 24, 2006

A dream of more friends...

A dream of more friends...

In a recent publication of Psychology Today, it was written, "people feel happier with a group of friends than with a spouse or child." I don't know if this is true but I do think it is true that friendship is very vital for happiness. Here are some ways to increase your friendships...

  1. Get where people are. The more groups you belong to the better chance you will have to find friends.
  2. Carve out time to spend time with friends.
  3. Find activities/hobbies that you can do with other friends. Ball games, golf, cards, church, eating out, exercise, serving on committees or boards.
  4. Be generally interested in the other people - their work, family, meaningful things.
  5. Drop friends that are harmful to you and seek out others.

In order to have more friends be a good friend.

Quote of the Day
Mistakes are stepping stones to success. -- Charles E. Popplestone

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Dream to Lose Weight

Every American I have ever met has had a dream of losing weight. Here are some ideas to help you get to your ideal weight...
  1. Set a realistic not an ideal weight to reach.
  2. Write an affirmation stating what your ideal weight is. Do not talk about losing weight, no one wants to lose anything. Talk in the positive. "I weight 165 pounds in a firm healthy body." Repeat this affirmation twice a day.
  3. Pare down your activities so you can exercise. Exercise 30 minutes every day. Start by walking, then running just a few yards while walking.
  4. Find a hobby that requires running. Softball, racquetball, tennis.
  5. Find a healthy diet to eat. Weight Watchers, South Beach and Mediterranean diets are some of the better ones. But remember to eat less sugar, less starch and more vegetables, fruits and grains.
  6. Exercise portion control. When my wife and I eat out, we've come to realize that most entrees are large enough for 2 people. So, we split entrees most times. We save money and avoid weight gain.
  7. Drink water. 8 glasses a day.
  8. Take vitamins.
  9. Hang around people who eat and exercise regularly.
  10. Take the long view. Try to get into shape over a two-year period, not a two-week period.
This plan works. There are other plans that work. Find a plan and make work it.

Quote of the Day
To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish, then resolve to pay the price to get it. -- Bunker Hunt

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Dream to become Rich...

The Dream to become Rich...

When I speak to people around the country many people tell me their secret dream of becoming rich. Here is a plan for becoming rich...

  1. Define what rich is. You cannot hit a target that you do not know. One definition I like says this... If you have good health, good family, several friends and enough cash flow to be able to take off work when you wish, eat out when you wish and travel where you wish, you are rich.
  2. Create a plan to achieve that goal.
  3. Increase income. Work overtime, take a second job, earn a raise, seek a higher-paying job or earn money from a hobby.
  4. Decrease spending: turn in your cell phone, cancel the cable TV, cancel magazines and newspapers, sell your large house and buy a smaller one. Always buy 2 year-old cars.
  5. Invest excess cash in mutual funds.
  6. Buy a piece of real estate. Rents and real estate values go up.
  7. Start your own business.
Do all of this for 30 years. This is my plan. If you have a better one, that is great. But have a plan and follow it.

Quote of the Day
To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish, then resolve to pay the price to get it. -- Bunker Hunt

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hold fast to dreams

"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly."
-- Langeston Hughes

This needs no explanation.

Hold on to your dreams no matter what.

They are the things of life.

Quote of the Day
"Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?"
-- Brian Tracy