Greet this day with...
Greet this day with love in my heart
“The Greatest Salesman in the World” written by Og Mandino has 10 principles for becoming a great person, spouse or salesman. The 2nd principle in his famous book says, “I will greet this day with love in my heart.” Why would you tell a salesperson to greet the day with love in your heart? Well if you as a person greet each day and each person with love in your heart, you will have a much better chance of working with that person and with helping them and you. Og gives some keys for greeting each day with love in your heart:
Show gratitude in everything and every person.
Find good in others, even your enemies.
Connect emotionally with everyone you meet.
Choose to respond to a situation instead of emotionally reacting.
Love yourself. You are a good person.
Quote of the Day
There is no progress without some discontent and discomfort.
Only by great risks can great results be achieved. -- Xerxes
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