Learn something new…
Most people as they get older get stuck in their ways. They truly believe they have heard it all before, they have seen it all before and the way they are doing things is the best and the only way to do things. This is one sign of getting old.
One way to overcome this sad sickness is to learn something new. Learn something you never thought you could do. Some people try to learn something new every day.
This helps you in a lot of ways:
1. Learning helps you to admit that you don’t know everything.
2. It helps you to humble yourself to another person.
3. It helps your brain to keep active.
4. It introduces you to a new circle of people.
I am currently trying to learn more about Internet marketing. I am hoping to learn Spanish real soon. And I am trying to finish my master’s thesis. I always try to understand different forms of music and different political perspectives.
Here’s to your learning…
Quote of the Day
One ought to hold onto one's heart; for if one lets go, one soon loses control of the head too. --Nietzsche
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