How much we can accomplish....
“I think it is interesting how much we can accomplish before we find out we can’t do something.” Leslie Groves
Cliff Young showed up to run in a 600-mile race in Australia. In overalls and rubber galosh boots this 50-year-old man got in line with 19-year-old taunt body kids. He looked like a simpleton in the wrong line. The kids had studied with professional trainers, nutritionists and scientists who knew that a body needed to run 18 hours and sleep 6 hours. Cliff Young did not know this. Shuffling his feet Cliff ran while others slept. He won the race and beat all other competitors by a day and a half. He did not know the scientific facts all others knew. And he broke all the records and all the knowledge known to that point.
What facts have you locked into that are completely wrong?
The next year and every year since the young competitors have beat the record of Cliff Young.
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Quote of the Day
"How comes it...that no man living is content with the lot that either his choice has given him, or chance has thrown in his way, but each has praise for those who follow other paths?" - Horace Quintus Horatius Flaccus 65-8 B.C.
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