The Dreamers Edge

The Dreamers Edge is about your dreams, your desire and your ability to achieve the results you want. Conway Stone – holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Religion. His graduate work is in Philosophy and Religion. He is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and founder of a non-profit organization, Dream High.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Only those who dare to fail

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” -– Robert Kennedy

When is the last time you failed? I do not believe you should ever go out and try to fail. But I do believe that if you are not failing some then you are not reaching enough. A certain amount of failure will certainly show that you are reaching for your potential. If you are succeeding all the time then perhaps it is time to stretch just a little more. You might be surprised that you can achieve more than you are currently doing. You might be surprised by how much you can grow by trying new things.

Quote of the Day
"Do you want to be the statue or the bird?" -- Frances Weaver