The Dreamers Edge

The Dreamers Edge is about your dreams, your desire and your ability to achieve the results you want. Conway Stone – holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Religion. His graduate work is in Philosophy and Religion. He is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and founder of a non-profit organization, Dream High.

Monday, March 20, 2006

There is a reason

There is a reason God has placed you here on earth. If you are not you, who else will be you? The answer is no one. There are things you can do, people you can touch and things you can achieve that no one else can do. When you find the reason God has placed you here on earth, you will be more and more fulfilled and live much more happy.

Here are some questions to help:

1. What do you enjoy doing more than anything?
2. Who are the people you can reach that no one else can reach?
3. What are you the best in the world at?

Who taught you to read? Who taught you to do math? Aren't you glad they did? Go and do likewise..

Quote of the Day
"If I am not me, who will be?" -- Henery David Thoreau